Relationship Type | Association | Aggregation | Dependency | Generalization | AggregationReverse | DependencyReverse | GeneralizationReverse |
Relationship Shorthands | AS | AG | DP | GL | AGr | DPr | GLr |
Relationship Rank | 5.0 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 10.0 | 7.0 | 8.0 | 10.0 |
The transition probability matrix shows the transition probability of class rank from one class to its adjacent class, for example, the element A[i][j] in matrix A means the transition probability of class i's rank to class j's rank.
None |
The final class rank matrix shows the final class rank of each class. The class is more important if
its final class rank is higher. For example, class A is more important than class B if the rank of
class A is 200 and the rank of class B is 100
Class |
Rank |
The iterator process shows the calculate process of the class rank
copyright ŠUML Analyzer 2015 ICP 15003200 Hainan University | Designed by Huang Liang