中国国家发明专利 PATENTS



1 . 一种关联频度计算的基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱框架的语义建模及抽象增强方法(已授权)
  A Semantic Modeling and Abstraction Enhancement Approach through Correlated Frequency Computation based on a Hierarchy of Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

2 . 一种资源环境的正反双向动态平衡搜索策略 (已授权)
  A Dynamically Balanced Search Strategy Covering Positive and Negative Directions towards Resource Environment

3 . 一种容错的基于图谱架构的智能语义搜索方法(已授权)
  A Fault Tolerant Intelligent Semantic Search Approach based on a Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph Architecture

4 . 面向类型化资源的自动安全态势感知、分析与报警系统(已授权)
  Automatic Security Situation Sensoring,Analysis and Alarm System for Typed Resources

5 . 面向类型化资源的物联网资源采集传输优化系统(已授权)
  Typed Resources Oriented Transmission and Optimization System for Internet of Things

6 . 基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的图像数据目标识别增强方法 (已授权)
  An Image Data Recognizition Enhancing Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

7 . 基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的图像信息目标识别增强方法 (已授权)
  An Image Information Recognition Enhancing Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

8 . 投入驱动的物联网资源安全保护方法 (已授权)
  An Investment Driven Resource security provision Approach for the Internet of Things

9 . 面向类型化资源的物联网数据隐私保护方法 (已授权)
  An IoT Data Privacy Protection Method towards Typed Resources

10 . 基于社交网络的时效敏感的仿区块链密码体系 (已授权)
  An Associated Network Based Time-sensitive Cryptosystem Imitating Blockchain

11 . 为便携式移动终端用户提供可自定义自适应的多功能交互区域的方法(已授权)
  An Image Data Recognizition Enhancing Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

12 . 价值驱动的类型化数据及其图表示的资源隐藏方法 (已授权)
  A Cost-driven Hiding Method for Typed Data Resources and Data Graph

13 . 一种基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的处理架构资源可动态抽象的语义建模方法 (已授权)
  A Semantic Modeling Approach with Dynamic Abstraction Capability on Resource of Processing Architecture based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

14 . 一种基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的搜索优化方法 (已授权)
  A Search Optimization Method based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

15 . 一种投入决定的安全性可定义的基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的资源安全保护方法 (已授权)
  A Resource Security Protection Approach with Security Defined and Determined by Investment based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

16 . 基于偏差器官形态行为可视化的口语学习矫正方法 (已授权)
  A Visualization of Deviation Driven Organ Morphology and Motion Based Oral Language Learning Correction Method

17 . 面向类型化资源的价值导向的存储与计算一体化优化系统 (已授权)
  Value Driven Storage and Computing Collaborative Optimization System for Typed Resources

18 . 基于数据、信息和知识三层图谱架构的图像数据目标识别方法 (已授权)
  A Data Object Recognization Method Based on a Three Layer Graph Architecture of Data, Information and Knowledge

19 . 容器液体离线适宜度动态模拟与展示系统 (已授权)
  Dynamic Simulation and Display System of Off-line Suitability of Container Liquid

20 . 基于情感的个性化区域生成与展示方法 (已授权)
  An Emotion-based Personalized Region Generation and Display Method

21 . 面向群体的空间展示组合优化方法 (已授权)
  A Group-oriented spatial display combination optimization method

22 . 空间展示平台角度距离主动适应算法 (已授权)
  A Space Display Platform Angular Distance Active Adaptation Algorithm

23 . 自定义交互区域的区域定义、展示与识别方法 (已授权)
  An Area Definition,Display and Recognition Method for Custom Interaction Area

24 . 个性化网络人员与内容的整理与优化方法 (已授权)
  A Personalized Network Personnel and Content Collation and Optimization Method

25 . 一种面向边缘计算的类型化医疗资源处理系统设计方法 (已授权)
  A Design Method of Typed Medical Resources Oriented Processing System for Edge Computing

26 . 容器内液体温度度量、变化模拟与展示系统 (已授权)
  Liquid temporature measure, change simulation and display system in Vessals

27 . 面向加工定义健康的环保交互炊具定制系统 (已授权)
  cooking defined healthy oriented customization system of interactive cooking vessels

28 . 类型化资源的交互代价驱动安全保护方法 (已授权)
  An Interactive Cost-driven Security Provision for Typed Resources

29 . 融合公平度、体验感和价格的用户满意度建模与展示空间调整方法 (已授权)
  User satisfaction modeling and display space adjustment method of integrating fairness, experience and price

30 . 可定义隐私模糊度的多维度体系化交互机制(已授权)
  Multiple dimensional hierarchical mechanism for self defined privacy preserving socialization

31 . 多维度价值导向的针对意图的面向对象数值计算方法(已授权)
  A multiple dimensional value driven object oriented numerical computation method for specific intentions

32. 基于数据图谱、信息图谱、知识图谱的交互区域划分及传输优化处理机制(已授权)
  Data Graph,Information Graph and Knowledge Graph Based Content Division and Transition Optimization Mechanism

33 . 意图驱动的适应竞争及合作意向的内容填充系统(已授权)
  Intention Driven Adaptive Content Feeding System Accomodating Competition and Cooperation

34 . 场景、事件、人物与意图匹配的智能提醒机制(已授权)
  Scenario, event, roles and intention matching smart reminding mechanism

35 . 基于数据图谱、信息图谱、知识图谱的内容传输建模及处理优化机制(已授权)
  Content transition modelling and processing optimization mechanism based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

36 . 价值驱动的面向目的融合的优化系统(已授权)
  Value driven optimization mechanism towards comprehensive purpose synthesis

37 . 价值驱动的多因素维度空间多介尺度融合的动态推荐系统(已授权)
  Value driven multiple meso meters synthesis based dynamic recommendation system for multiple-factor dimensional variable space

38 . 个性化便捷化自适应多层级交互区域优化配置方法(已授权)


39 . 面向本质计算的跨DIKW图谱的虚拟社区资源处理方法及组件(已授权)
  Virtual Community Resource Processing Method and Components Based on Essence Computing and Cross Modal DIKW Graphs

40. 面向本质计算的跨模态用户医疗数据分析方法(已授权)
  Essence Computation Oriented User Medical Data Analysis Method Cross Modes

41. 面向数据、信息权利可价值交换的智能运载装置调度方法(已授权)
  Scheduling Method of Intelligent Transport Device Oriented to Value Exchange of Data and Information Rights

42 . 面向本质计算与推理的跨DIKW模态隐私资源保护方法(已授权)
  Multiple Modal Privacy Protection system based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

43 . 面向本质计算与推理融合的跨模态的推荐方法与装置(已授权)
  Essence Computation and reasoning integration oriented recommendation method based crossing multi-modality

44 . 融合公平、公正和透明法规技术化的多模态隐私保护方法(已授权)
   Technical Implementation Framework of AI Governance Policies for Cross-modal Privacy Protection

45 . 面向本质计算与推理的跨DIKW模态文本歧义处理方法(已授权)
  Multiple Modal Semantics de-duplication system based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

46 . 跨数据、信息、知识模态与量纲的本质识别方法及组件(已授权)
  Data, Information and Knowledge Dusion based Multiple dimensional Cross-Moda,Cross-dimension Comprehensive Essence Value Evaluation Model

47 . 面向意图计算与推理的数据与信息融合的装置共享方法(已授权)
  Purpose Computation and Reasoning Oriented Sharing Method of Devices Based on Data and Information Fusion

48 . 跨数据、信息、知识多模态的特征挖掘方法及组件(已授权)
  The recommendation method of hybrid computation and reasoning across data, information and knowledge

49 . 跨数据、信息、知识模态与量纲的任务处理方法及组件(已授权)
  Data, Information and Knowledge Dusion based Multiple dimensional Cross-Moda,Cross-dimension Comprehensive Tasks Processing Model

50 . 跨数据信息知识模态的面向本质计算的差分内容推荐方法(已授权)
  A Differential Privacy Protection Method of Essence Computation and Reasoning across Data, Information and Knowledge modals

51 . 跨DIKW模态类型化隐私信息资源差分保护方法与系统(已授权)
  Differential privacy protection Method and system of cross DIKW modals typed information resources

52 . 跨数据、信息、知识模态与量纲的预警方法及组件(已授权)
  Data, Information and Knowledge Dusion based Multiple dimensional Cross-Moda,Cross-dimension Comprehensive Value Evaluation Model

53 . 意图驱动的DIKW体系的群体差分隐私保护方法及装置 (已授权)
Swarm Differential Privacy protection method and device based on purpose driven DIKW system

54 . 面向本质计算的多模态DIKW内容多语义分析方法(已授权)
  Essence Computation Oriented Multi-semantic Analysis Crossing Multi-modal DIKW Graphs

55 . 跨数据信息知识模态的用户行为内容编解码方法(已授权)
  User Behaviour Content Coding and Decoding Method Across Data, Information and Knowledge Modes

56 . 面向本质计算的DIKW隐私资源的处理方法和组件 (已授权)
Privacy protection method and components for DIKW resources based on essence computation

57 . 面向本质计算与推理的跨模态随机化隐私保护方法与系统 (已授权)
Essence computation and reasoning oriented crossing Modals randomized privacy protection method and system

58 . 基于DIKW图谱的资源识别方法、相关装置及可读介质 (已授权)
Resource identification method, related device and readable medium based on DIKW Graphs

59 . 面向本质计算的跨DIKW模态的相对差分隐私保护方法(已授权)
  DIKW Graphs Based Individualized Relative Differential Privacy Protection Method of Essential Computing

60 . 基于本质计算的跨模态特征挖掘方法及组件(已授权)
  Essence computation base cross-modals feature mining method and mechanism

61 . 面向数据画像与信息画像价值交流转换的运载方法及系统(已授权)
  Value-driven intelligent transportation method and system based on data profile and information profile conversions

62 . 基于常识推理的多模态资源的本质内容处理方法及系统(已授权)
Processing method and system of essential content of multimodal resources based on common sense reasoning

63 . 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW模型构建方法及装置(已授权)
DIKW model construction method and device for intention calculation and reasoning

64 . 跨数据、信息、知识模态的用户差异隐私保护方法(已授权)
User differential privacy protection method across data, information and knowledge modalities

65. 意图驱动的多模态DIKW内容传输方法 (已授权)
Purpose-driven multi-modal DIKW content transmission method

66. 基于DIKW内容对象的情感通讯方法(已授权)
Emotional communication method based on DIKW content object

67. 基于DIKW图谱的虚拟社区人员性格分析及内容推送方法(已授权)
Personality Analysis and Content Push Method of Virtual Community Staff Based on DIKW Atlas

68. 基于公平性导向的情感内容DIKW化映射与传输方法(已授权)
Fairness-oriented Emotional Content DIKW Mapping and Transmission Method

69. 基于DIKWP模型的区块链共识方法(已授权)
Blockchain consensus method based on DIKWP model

70. 意图计算导向的跨DIKW模态传输与优化系统(已授权)
Intent Computation-Oriented Trans-DIKW Modal Transfer and Optimization System

71 . 个性化英文字母展示风格变换方法(已授权)
  A Personalized English Alphabet Display Style Transformation Method

72. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源分析方法及系统(已授权)
DIKW resource analysis method and system oriented to intent calculation and reasoning

73. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源交互填充系统(已授权)
DIKW resource interactive filling system for purpose computing and reasoning

74. 面向DIKW资源的情感表达映射、度量与优化传输系统(已授权)
Emotional expression mapping, measurement and optimization transmission system for DIKW resources

75. Cross-DIKW-Mode Ambiguity Processing Method Oriented to Essential Computing and Reasoning(Canada has authorized)

76. 基于DIKW的车辆路径规划方法(已授权)
  DIKW-based vehicle path planning method

77. 基于意图驱动的DIKW的内容处理方法及系统(已授权)
  Content processing method and system of DIKW based on intention driving

78. 基于DIKW的区域感知和通行提示方法(已授权)
   DIKW-based area perception and traffic prompting method

79. Feature Mining Method and Device for Multiple Modes Including Data, Information and Knowledge(Australia has authorized)

80. 面向DIKW内容的意图驱动交互填表方法(已授权)
Intent-driven interactive form filling method for DIKW content

81. 基于DIKW图谱的疫苗接种浓度确认方法(已授权)
Method for confirming vaccination concentration based on DIKW Graph

82. 更新DIKW图谱的方法、装置、存储介质和电子设备(已授权)
Method, device, storage medium and electronic equipment for updating the DIKW Graph

83. 基于DIKW的内容完整性建模与判断方法(已授权)
Content Integrity Modeling and Judgment Method Based on DIKW

84. 基于DIKW的内容合规建模与传输方法(已授权)
Content compliance modeling and transmission method based on DIKW

85. 面向跨模态隐私保护的AI治理方法和装置(已授权)
AI governance method and device for cross-modal privacy protection

86. 基于DIKWP模型的元宇宙虚拟交互方法(已授权)
Metaverse virtual interaction method based on DIKWP model

87. 基于DIKW的网络服务公平性检测方法(已授权)
DIKW-based network service fairness detection method

88. 基于DIKW图谱的意图识别方法及装置(已授权)
Intention recognition method and device based on DIKW Graph

89. 跨DIKW模态的混合特征机器学习建模与标记方法(已授权)
Mixed-feature machine learning modeling and labeling methods across DIKW modalities

90. 基于DIKWP模型面向本质计算的软件系统全生命期评估方法(已授权)
A software system life cycle assessment method based on DIKWP model for essential computing

91. DIKW Resource Transfer Method and Device for Purpose-Orientd Calculation and Inference(US has authorized)


92. 跨DIKW模态生成内容的验证方法(已授权)
Validation method for generated content across DIKW modalities

93. 面向DIKW的表格设计与填写的公平性映射、检测与调整方法(已授权)
Fairness Mapping, Detection and Adjustment Method for DIKW-Oriented Form Design and Filling

94. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源交互表格设计系统
DIKW Resource Interaction Form Design System for Intent Computing and Reasoning

95. 面向本质计算与推理的DIKW资源的加密与验证方法(已授权)
Encryption and Verification Method of DIKW Resources for Essential Computing and Reasoning

96. 基于DIKWP模型面向本质语义计算与推理的区块链构建方法(已授权)
A blockchain construction method for essential semantic computing and reasoning based on DIKWP model

97. 基于DIKW图谱的专利智能修改方法、辅助答复方法及系统(已授权)
Patent intelligent modification method, auxiliary reply method and system based on DIKW map

98 . 一种面向5W问答的基于数据图谱、信息图谱、知识图谱和智慧图谱的推荐引擎设计方法
  Data Graph,Information Graph and Knowledge Graph Based Content Division and Transition Optimization Mechanism

99 . 一种基于数据图谱、信息图谱、知识图谱和智慧图谱关联架构的分类问答系统设计方法(D)
  Intention Driven Adaptive Content Feeding System Accomodating Competition and Cooperation

100 . 一种基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱架构的价值驱动的服务软件开发方法
  A Value Driven Service Software Development Method based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph Hierarchy

101 . 一种基于元素多维频度关联计算的数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱架构的语义建模方法(D)
  A Semantic Modeling Approach based on Elements Frequency Computation from Multiple Dimensions of a Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph Architecture

102 . 一种基于知识图谱的目标驱动的学习点和学习路径推荐方法(D)
  A Goal Driven Learning Point and Learning Path Recommendation Method based on Knowledge Graph

103 . 一种面向5W的基于图谱的目标驱动的学习点和学习路径推荐方法
  A 5W Oriented Goal Driven Learning Point Recommendation and Learning Path Optimization Method Based on Knoweldge Graph

104 . 面向5W的基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的目标驱动的学习点及学习路径推荐(D)
  Oriented Target Driven Learning Points and Learning Paths Recommendation Approach Based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

105 . 基于知识图谱的学习能力建模及动态自适应的目标驱动的学习点组织及执行路径推荐方法(D)
  A Knowledge Graph based Goal Driven Learning Points Organization and Execution Path Recommendation Approach through Learning Capability Modeling and Dynamic Adaptation

106 . 一种投入驱动的面向数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的资源存储效率优化方法(D)
  An Investment Driven Resource Storeage Efficiency Optimization Approach for Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

107 . 一种投入驱动的存储与计算一体化协同调整的面向事务处理的时空效率优化方法(D)
  An Investment Driven Transaction Process Oriented Approach towards Time and Space Efficiency Optimization with Storage and Computation Integration Collaborative Adjustment

108 . 面向类型化资源的投入驱动的存储与计算一体化的事务处理优化方法
  Typed Resources Oriented Investment Driven Transaction Processing Optimization Approach with Storage and Calculation Collaborative Adaptation

109 . 基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的学习者能力建模与学习过程优化管理系统(D)
  Learner Capability Modeling and Learning Process Optimization Management System based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

110 . 面向类型化资源的价值导向的处理优化系统
  Typed Resources Oriented Value Driven Processing Optimization System

111 . 投入决定的基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的物联网监控系统设计方法
  A Design Method of IoT Monitoring System Determined by Investment based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

112 . 一种语义驱动的中位数选择算法(D)
  Semantic Oriented Median Selection Optimization

113 . 基于数据、信息和知识三层图谱架构的图像信息目标识别方法(D)
  An Information Object Recognization Method Based on a Three Layer Graph Architecture of Data, Information and Knowledge

114 . 基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱架构的UML模型一致性检测方法
  A UML Model Consistency Detection Method Based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

115 . 面向类型化资源的IoT环境下信息隐私保护方法
  An Information Privacy Protection Method towards Typed Resources in IoT Environment

116 . 基于语义计算的中值选取算法(D)
  Semantic Computation Oriented Median Selection Algorithm

117 . 一种个性化可变形压力感应鼠标
  A Personalized Deformable Pressure Sensing Mouse

118 . 一种具有脑手协调锻炼和康复功能的可变形鼠标
  A Deformable Mouse with Brain-hand Coordination Exercise and Rehabilitation Function

119 . 一种具有脑手协调锻炼的组合压力感应可变形鼠标
  A Pressure-sensitive Deformable Mouse with Brain-hand Coordination Exercise Function

120 . 一种可模拟鼠标的多功能手指穿戴设备
  A Multifunctional Finger Wear Device with Simulating a Mouse

120 . 基于无线局域网络的接收和展示信息的共享雨伞
  A Wireless Local Area Networks Based Shared Umbrella for Receiving and Presenting Information

121 . 一种空间可调节可共享冰箱
  A Space Adjustable and Shared Refrigerator

122 . 基于内容和环境的个性化情感可视化系统
  A Content and Environment Based Personalized Emotion Visualization System

123 . 环境感知的共享交通工具计价方法
  An Environment-aware Shared Vehicle Pricing Method

124 . 一种具有脑手协调锻炼的组合压力感应可变形信号采集装置
  A Combined Pressure Sensing Deformable Signal Acquisition Device with Brain-hand Coordination Exercise Function

125 . 场景感知的共享交通工具调度方法(D)
  A Scene-aware Shared Vehicle Scheduling Method

126 . 一种具有脑手协调锻炼的压力感应可变形鼠标
  A Pressure-sensitive Deformable Mouse with Brain-hand Coordination Exercise Function

127 . 基于数据图谱,信息图谱和知识图谱的信息隐私保护方法
  A Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph based Information Privacy Protection Method

128 . 基于数据图谱,信息图谱和知识图谱的建模与数据隐私保护方法(D)
  A Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph based Typed Resource Modeling and Data Privacy Protection Method

129 . 个性化手写体替换书写体方法(D)
  A Method for Personally Replacing Writing with Handwriting

130 . 基于数据图谱,信息图谱和知识图谱的信息安全保护方法(D)
  A Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph based Information Security Protection Method

131 . 个性化可变形压力感应鼠标制作方法
  A Personalized Deformable Pressure Sensing Mouse Manufacturing Method

132 . 基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的建模与数据安全保护方法
  A Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph based Typed Resource Modeling and Data Security Protection Method

133 . 基于发音器官形态行为偏差可视化的发音矫正方法
  A Visualization of Deviation Driven Organ Morphology and Motion Based Pronunciation Correction Method

134 . 基于竞价机制的环境感知共享交通工具计价方法(D)
  A bidding mechanism Based Environment-aware Sharing Vehicle Pricing Method

135 . 个性化社交网络与内容的展示方法(D)
  A Personalized Social Network and Content Display Method

136 . 面向协作的移动展示任务业绩核定方法
  A Cooperation Oriented Performance Verification Method of Mobile Display Task

137 . 个性化社交网络资源集成与展示系统
  A Personalized Social Network Resource Integration and Display System

138 . 情感导向的区域推荐方法(D)
  An Emotion-oriented Regional Recommendation Method

139 . 一种可变形鼠标
  A Deformable Mouse

140 . 自定义交互区域的自适应推荐方法
  An Adaptive Recommendation Method for Custom Interaction Area

141 . 可移动共享食物加工平台
  A Mobile Shared Food Processing Platform

142 . 共享食物提供方的信誉计算方法
  A Reputation Calculation Method for Providers of Shared Food

143 . 共享食物的计价计算方法
  A Price Calculation Method for Shared Food

144 . 基于体系化维度的数据及数据图谱的度量模型构建方法
  A Modelling Approach for Data and Data Graph based on Systematic Dimension

145 . 体系化全类型化维度定义的事物的类型化数据及数据图谱的建模方法
  A Hierarchical and Holistic Typed Elemental Dimensions Based Modeling Approach of Things As Typed Data and Data Graphs

146 . 基于自我认知的机器人忠诚度的建模与度量方法(D)
  A Self-cognition Based Approach of Modelling and Measurement of Robot Loyalty

147 . 空间移动光线屏蔽装置
  A Space-moving Light Shielding Device

148 . 一种具有脑手协调锻炼和康复功能的鼠标可变形装置
  A Mouse Deformable Device with Brain-hand Coordination Exercise and Rehabilitation Function

149 . 空间展示系统自适应调整优化方法(D)
  An Adaptive adjustment optimization method for space display system

150 . 面向二维虚拟账户的可伸缩密码定制方法
  An Extensible Password Customization Method for Two Dimensional Virtual Accounts

151 . 空间移动防护装置
  A Space Movement Protection Device

152 . 基于价值的体系化全类型化频度标定数据图谱的节点集合及其拓扑结构确定方法(D)
  A Cost-driven Hierarchical and Holistic Frequency Defined Data Graph Based Method for Modelling Node Set and Topology Structure

153 . 空间移动避雨装置


154 . 基于颜色的情感通讯方法
  A Color based Communication Method for Emotion

155 . 一种基于颜色与形状组合的情感通讯方法(D)
  A Combination of Shape and Color based Communication Method for Emotion

156 . 空中主动移动屏幕及投影系统
  An Active Mobile Screen and Projection System in the Air

157 . 多维可扩展价值匹配账户密码设置方法
  A multidimensional scalable value matching account password setting method

158 . 空中移动显示综合平台
  An Aerial Mobile Display Integrated Platform

159 . 声音美容与情感修饰的方法
  A Sound Beauty and Emotional Modification Method

160 . 空间移动被动能与主动能蓄能装置
  A Space Mobile Energy Storage Device of Passive Energy and Active Energy

161. 空间移动避雷装置
  A Space Moving Lightning Protection Device

162 . 个性化食材口味的节材节能环保炊具定制系统
  Personalized food taste, energy saving, environmental protection cookware customization system

163 . 面向遮阳、避雨、选风、看景的个性化路线推荐系统
  A Personalized Route Planing and Recommendation System towards Sun Blocking, Rain Shelding, Wind Adaption,and Landscape Sightseeing

164 . 横纵向二维可扩展的虚拟账户定制方法


165 . 内容驱动的主动空间交互优化系统
  Content driven active spatial interaction and optimization system

166 . 目标驱动的交互式内容多媒体化空间展示系统
  Target driven interactive content display system with multimedia in 3D space

167 . 面向冗错的仿区块链节点和节点网络的内容语义价值计算机制
  Semantic Value Calculation for Content of Fault Tolerant Blockchain like Nodes and Node Networks

168 . 应用驱动的基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的学习路径推荐方法
  Application Driven Learning Path Recommendation Based on Date Graphs,Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

169 . 仿周期表的基于存在计算的概念语义分解与组合机制
  Periodic table like existence computation based semantics decomposition and composition mechanism

170 . 基于类型化知识图谱的虚拟社区人员性格分类及性格转换方法
  Typed Knowledge Graph Based Virtual Community Participant Personality Classification and Conversion Method

171 . 关系定义一切语义的存在计算模型中的语义识别和推导方法
  Existence Semantics Identification and Reasoning Mechanism Based on Existence Computation on Relationship Defined Everything of Semantics

172 . 基于数据、信息和知识对象的意图导向的OSI七层网络协议模型
  Intention driven extension of OSI seven layers network protocols based on objective data, information and knowledge content

173 . 基于数据、信息和知识对象的意图导向的TCP/IP四层网络协议模型
  Intention driven extension of TCP/IP four layers network protocols based on objective data, information and knowledge content

174 . 融合数据、信息、知识的支付密码评估方法及组件
  Data, Information and Knowledge Cross Modals Fusion based Extensible Evaluation Model of Password

175 . 面向跨模态学习的多维多尺度智能态势感知分析方法
  Multiple Modality Learning Oriented Multiple Dimensional and Multiple Scales Intelligent Situation Sensing and Analysis Method

176 . 基于知识图谱的多模态用户情感分析方法

177 . 跨数据、信息、知识模态的内容编解码方法及组件
  Content generation, coding and decoding system across multiple dimensional data, information and knowledge modals

178 . 跨模态面向本质计算与推理的内容查询方法及组件
  Essence computing and reasoning oriented cross modals content searching method and components

179 . 面向数据与信息权益交换的智能共享装置调度方法
  A Data and Information rights and interest sharing oriented smart devices manipulation method and components

180 . 意图驱动的面向本质计算的可编程智能控制方法和系统
  Purpose Driven Programmable Essence Computation Orented Intelligent Control Method and System

181 . 面向意图计算与推理的可编程智能控制方法、装置及介质
Programmable intelligent control method, device and medium for intention calculation and reasoning

182. 一种基于DIKW的专利内容检索方法及系统
A patent content retrieval method and system based on DIKW

183. 一种基于DIKW的专利智能申请方法及系统
A patent intelligent application method and system based on DIKW

184. 一种基于DIKW的专利智能辅助审查方法及系统
A patent intelligent auxiliary examination method and system based on DIKW

185. 意图体系驱动的患者个性化治疗方案评估方法
Evaluation method of patient's personalized treatment plan driven by purpose system

186. 基于DIKW的虚拟社区用户类型的转换方法及系统
Method and system for converting user types in virtual communities based on DIKW

187. 面向不完整、不精确、动态优化决策目标的DIKW资源构建与处理系统
A DIKW Resource Construction and Processing System for Incomplete, Inaccurate and Dynamic Optimization Decision Objectives

188. 意图计算导向的跨DIKW模态支付系统
Intent Computation-Oriented Payment System across DIKW Modalities

189. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源传输方法及装置
DIKW resource transmission method and device for intent computing and reasoning

190. 基于DIKW的内容合规建模与传输方法
Content compliance modeling and transmission method based on DIKW

191. 面向DIKW模型驱动的信息隐私保护方法
A DIKW-oriented model-driven approach to information privacy protection

192. 基于DIKWP体系的知识学习计划生成与调整方法
Generation and adjustment method of knowledge learning plan based on DIKWP system

193. 面向本质计算与推理的DIKW图谱化区块链内容确定方法
DIKW Graphed Blockchain Content Determination Method for Essential Computing and Reasoning

194. 基于DIKW的内容完整性建模与判断方法
Content Integrity Modeling and Judgment Method Based on DIKW

195. 意图驱动的DIKW资源的合作共享对象匹配方法
A cooperative shared object matching method for intent-driven DIKW resources


1. 面向本质计算的DIKW隐私资源的处理方法和组件
Privacy protection method and components for DIKW resources based on essence computation

2. 跨DIKW模态类型化隐私信息资源差分保护方法与系统
Differential privacy protection Method and system of cross DIKW modals typed information resources

3 . 面向本质计算的DIKW隐私资源的处理方法和组件
Privacy protection method and components for DIKW resources based on essence computation

4 . 跨DIKW模态类型化隐私信息资源差分保护方法与系统
Differential privacy protection Method and system of cross DIKW modals typed information resources

5 . 面向DIKW资源的情感表达映射、度量与优化传输系统
Emotional expression mapping, measurement and optimization transmission system for DIKW resources

6 . 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源交互填充系统
DIKW resource interactive filling system for purpose computing and reasoning

7 . 意图计算导向的跨DIKW模态传输与优化系统
Intentional calculation-oriented trans-DIKW modal transmission and optimization system

8 . 面向意图计算与推理的数据与信息融合的装置共享方法
Purpose Computation and Reasoning Oriented Sharing Method of Devices Based on Data and Information Fusion

9 . 面向本质计算的跨DIKW模态的相对差分隐私保护方法
  DIKW Graphs Based Individualized Relative Differential Privacy Protection Method of Essential Computing

10. 意图驱动的多模态DIKW内容传输方法
Purpose-driven multi-modal DIKW content transmission method


1. 跨数据、信息、知识多模态的特征挖掘方法及组件(已授权)(澳大利亚)
  The recommendation method of hybrid computation and reasoning across data, information and knowledge

2. 面向本质计算与推理的跨DIKW模态文本歧义处理方法(已授权)(加拿大)
  Multiple Modal Semantics de-duplication system based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

3. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源传输方法及装置(国家:美国)
  DIKW resource transmission method and device for intent computing and reasoning

4. 面向DIKW内容的意图驱动交互填表方法(国家:美国)
  Multiple Modal Semantics de-duplication system based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph


1. 一种可展示广告的共享雨伞
A Shared Umbrella with Function of displaying advertisements

2. 一种反映情感的照明灯具
A Lighting Fixture for Reflecting Emotion

3. 情感可视化旅游地图
An Emotional Visualization Travel Map

4. 情感可视化避难地图
An Emotional Visualization Refuge Map

5. 类型化显式和隐式资源的符号表示方法
A Symbolic Representations of Explicit and Implicit Typed Resource

6. 价值驱动的体系化全类型化维度的数据资源隐藏方法
A Hierarchical and Holistic Typed Elemental Dimensions Based Cost-driven Hiding Method of Typed Data

7. 基于形状的情感通讯方法
A Shape based Communication Method for Emotion

8. 面向社交网络的个性化路径推荐系统
Personalized route recommendation system for social network interaction

9. 基于常识推理的跨数据、信息、知识模态的本质内容挖掘与保护方法框架
Commensence reasoning based cross Data, Information and Knowledge modals essential content mining and protection method and framework

10. 面向意图计算与推理的数据与信息融合的装置共享方法
Purpose Computation and Reasoning Oriented Sharing Method of Devices Based on Data and Information Fusion

11. 数据、信息、知识融合的可扩展密码评估模型
Data, Information and Knowledge Dusion based Extensible Evaluation Model of Password

12. 数据、信息、知识融合的多维度、跨模态、跨量纲综合评估模型
Data, Information and Knowledge Dusion based Multiple dimensional Cross-Moda,Cross-dimension Comprehensive Value Evaluation Model

13. 跨数据、信息、知识多模态的混合计算与推理的推荐方法
The recommendation method of hybrid computation and reasoning across data, information and knowledge

14. 基于DIKW图谱的虚拟社区用户性格分类与转换方法
Personality Classification and Conversion Method of Virtual Community Personnel Based on DIKW Graph

15. 数据、信息、知识融合的多维度、跨模态、跨量纲综合评估模型
Data, Information and Knowledge Dusion based Multiple dimensional Cross-Moda,Cross-dimension Comprehensive Value Evaluation Model

16. 跨数据、信息、知识多模态的目的驱动的价值衡量与推荐决策方法
Purpose driven value calculation and recommendation method across data, information and knowledge

17. 跨数据、信息、知识模态维度内容产生、编码与解码系统
Content generation, coding and decoding system across multiple dimensional data, information and knowledge modes

18. 跨数据、信息、知识多模态的推理与计算的方法
The recommendation method of hybrid computation and reasoning across data, information and knowledge

19. 基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的多模态内容歧义判断系统
Multiple Modal Semantics de-duplication system based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

20. 基于数据图谱、信息图谱和知识图谱的多模态隐私资源保护系统
Multiple Modal Privacy Protection system based on Data Graph, Information Graph and Knowledge Graph

21. 跨数据、信息、知识模态的面向本质计算与推理的方法
The recommendation method of hybrid computation and reasoning across data, information and knowledge

22. 跨数据、信息、知识模态的面向本质计算与推理的差分隐私保护方法
A Differential privacy Protection method of essence computation and reasoning across data, information and knowledge modals

23. 基于常识推理的跨数据、信息、知识模态的本质内容挖掘与保护方法框架
Commensence reasoning based cross Data, Information and Knowledge modals essential content mining and protection method and framework

24. 面向跨模态隐私保护的AI治理方法和装置
AI governance method and device for cross-modal privacy protection

25. 一种虚拟社区用户类型转换方法及系统
Method and system for user type conversion in virtual community

26. 更新DIKW图谱的方法、装置、存储介质和电子设备
Method, device, storage medium and electronic equipment for updating the DIKW map

27. 基于意图驱动的DIKW的内容处理方法及系统
Content processing method and system based on intention-driven DIKW

28. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源分析方法及系统
DIKW resource analysis method and system oriented to intent calculation and reasoning

29. 基于DIKW图谱的意图识别方法及装置
Intention recognition method and device based on DIKW map

30. 面向DIKW资源的情感表达映射、度量与优化传输系统
Emotional expression mapping, measurement and optimization transmission system for DIKW resources

31. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源交互填充系统
DIKW resource interactive filling system for intent computing and reasoning

32. 意图计算导向的跨DIKW模态传输与优化系统
Intentional calculation-oriented trans-DIKW modal transmission and optimization system

33. 意图计算导向的跨DIKW模态支付系统
Intent calculation-oriented cross-DIKW modal payment system

34. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源交互表格设计系统
DIKW resource interactive form design system for intent calculation and reasoning

35. 面向不完整、不精确、动态优化决策目标的DIKW资源构建与处理系统
DIKW resource construction and processing system for incomplete, inaccurate, and dynamically optimized decision-making goals

36. 基于DIKW图谱的专利智能修改方法、辅助答复方法及系统
Patent intelligent modification method, auxiliary reply method and system based on DIKW map

37. 基于DIKW内容对象的情感通讯方法
Emotional communication method based on DIKW content object

38. 面向意图计算与推理的DIKW资源传输方法及装置
DIKW resource transmission method and device for intent computing and reasoning

39. 面向DIKW内容的意图驱动交互填表方法
Intent-driven interactive form filling method for DIKW content

40. 面向DIKW的表格设计与填写的公平性映射、检测与调整方法
Fairness Mapping, Detection and Adjustment Method for DIKW-Oriented Form Design and Filling

41. 基于公平性导向的情感内容DIKW化映射与传输方法
Fairness-oriented Emotional Content DIKW Mapping and Transmission Method

42. 基于DIKW的区域感知和通行提示方法
DIKW-based area perception and traffic prompting method

43. 基于DIKW的网络服务公平性检测方法
DIKW-based network service fairness detection method

44. 基于DIKW的内容合规建模与传输方法
Content compliance modeling and transmission method based on DIKW

45. 基于DIKW的内容完整性建模与判断方法
Content Integrity Modeling and Judgment Method Based on DIKW

46. 跨DIKW模态生成内容的验证方法
Validation method for generated content across DIKW modalities

47. 基于DIKW的车辆路径规划方法
Vehicle path planning method based on DIKW

48. 面向DIKW模型驱动的信息隐私保护方法
A DIKW-oriented model-driven approach to information privacy protection

49. 跨DIKW模态的混合特征机器学习建模与标记方法
Mixed-feature machine learning modeling and labeling methods across DIKW modalities

50. 意图驱动的DIKW资源的合作共享对象匹配方法
A cooperative shared object matching method for intent-driven DIKW resources

51. 基于DIKWP体系的知识学习计划生成与调整方法
Generation and adjustment method of knowledge learning plan based on DIKWP system

52. 面向本质计算与推理的DIKW图谱化区块链内容确定方法
DIKW Graphed Blockchain Content Determination Method for Essential Computing and Reasoning

53. 面向本质计算与推理的DIKW资源加密与验证方法
DIKW Resource Encryption and Verification Method for Essential Computing and Reasoning

54. 基于DIKWP模型面向本质计算的软件系统生命周期评估方法
Essential Computing-Oriented Software System Life Cycle Assessment Method Based on DIKWP Model

55. 基于DIKWP模型的区块链共识方法
Blockchain consensus method based on DIKWP model

56. 基于DIKWP模型面向本质语义计算与推理的区块链构建方法
A blockchain construction method for essential semantic computing and reasoning based on DIKWP model

57. 基于DIKWP模型的元宇宙虚拟交互方法
Metaverse virtual interaction method based on DIKWP model

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