DIKW-2023 Workshop


Workshop 1: The 1st International Workshop on DIKWP- Legal Tech

Workshop 2:

Workshop 3:

Workshop 4:



Workshop 1: The 1st International Workshop on DIKWP- Legal Tech

The DIKWP model, an extension of the DIKW model, emphasizes the transformational processes that occur among the components of D-I-K-W, all under the guiding influence of Purpose, ultimately resulting in their utility as data, information, knowledge, and wisdom. Data comprises unprocessed or disorganized raw data, often lacking context or inherent significance, essentially representing a compilation of numerical values, symbols, or characters. In contrast, Information embodies a meaningful interpretation and organization of data, contextualizing it for improved comprehension and practical application. Knowledge, on the other hand, encapsulates the comprehension and insights derived from information, rooted in experiential wisdom, and provides valuable support for individuals in their decision-making, problem-solving, and the inference of new information. Wisdom takes this knowledge a step further, encompassing its practical application and the discernment it brings, enabling the resolution of intricate problems and the formulation of sound decisions. Purpose serves as the guiding force directing the application of data, information, and knowledge, with a focus on the "why" and "how," thereby facilitating the achievement of specific objectives.

The application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the legal sector has evolved into a prominent trend. These technologies have the potential to enhance efficiency and reduce costs, thus presenting new opportunities for the growth of the legal service industry. Simultaneously, the legal field must adapt to the transformative trend of AI technology by fostering collaboration and innovation to better align with future developments. However, the application of AI technology also introduces several challenges. Legal knowledge is inherently complex, necessitating the consideration of numerous possibilities across various scenarios. Consequently, AI applications in the legal domain must exhibit a high degree of accuracy and intelligence. Furthermore, owing to the unique nature of the legal profession, some AI applications may raise concerns regarding data privacy and security. These concerns require the establishment of appropriate protective measures, alongside addressing significant challenges associated with reliability, controllability, and explainability. Hence, there is a need to introduce the concept and research of artificial consciousness within this context. Artificial consciousness extends beyond the mere simulation of human thought processes. It involves the integration of human knowledge systems and the manner in which the human brain processes data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and intent. This integration aims to achieve a closer alignment with human cognition and decision-making. Achieving this objective involves a deep understanding of the workings of the human brain, followed by the application of these mechanisms to the establishment and operation of artificial consciousness. Within this intricate process, the DIKWP model plays a pivotal role.

The objective of this workshop is to delve deeply into the integration of the DIKWP artificial consciousness concept with legal technologization. This integration aims to provide support for addressing the current challenges and risks within the realm of legal technologization, facilitating a more effective response. The ultimate goal is to achieve the digital transformation and sustainable development of the legal industry.

The topics of DIKWP-LT Workshop includes:

1. Ethics and Privacy in DIKWP Artificial Consciousness Solutions.

2. DIKWP Artificial Consciousness and Legal Education.

3. Research and Practice of DIKWP Artificial Consciousness in Legal Decision Making..

4. Transparency of Judicial Process under DIKWP Artificial Consciousness.

5. Research on the Evolution and Sustainability Learning of the DIKWP Artificial Consciousness Legal Model.


Full Paper Submission: May 1, 2023

Acceptance Notification: July 2, 2023

Workshop Co-Chairs:

Yucong Duan, Hainan University, Haikou, China, duanyucong@hotmail.com

Yanfei Liu, Chongqing Police College Chongqing, China;Tianjin University ,China, cqlyf@tju.edu.cn

Huang Tan, Academy of Public Art, Sichuan Fine Arts Institute, China, tunknown0627@gmail.com


Hien D. Nguyen, University of Information Technology, VNU-HCM, Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam, Email: hiennd@uit.edu.vn

Pengfei Jiao, School of Cyberspace Hangzhou Dianzi University, China, Email: pjiao@hdu.edu.cn